Monodirectional tracks
Crompton Way – A
A self-led design to explore how a wide 4 lane carraigeway could be reallocated to provide continuous footways, cycle paths and SUDs whilst still maintaining 2 lanes for motor vehicles, loading bays and access to all residents driveways.
Crompton Way – B
A self-led design to explore how a wide 4 lane carraigeway could be reallocated to provide continuous footways, cycle paths and SUDs whilst still maintaining 2 lanes for motor vehicles, loading bays and access to all residents driveways.
A57 Hyde Road – Outbound
A personal exploration of a road I have travelled on for many years. Recently widened, this space could be more fairly reallocated to create space for continuous footways, cycle tracks and planting. A level and continuous space active travel is maintained across any side roads and access points by the use of Dutch style entrance […]
A57 Hyde Road – inbound
A personal exploration of a road I have travelled on for many years. Recently widened, this space could be more fairly reallocated to create space for continuous footways, cycle tracks and planting. A level and continuous space active travel is maintained across any side roads and access points by the use of Dutch style entrance […]
Terraced Street
Almost all space is dedicated to vehicles and storage of private motor cars. Street is two way, but there is only room for one way traffic Or Motor vehicles as guests. One way traffic for motor vehicles, two way for all other modes. Protected cycle tracks on the main road. Widened pavements & trees. Continuous […]
Mono Tracks with heavy bollards
This image is a thought experiment after completing the previous views which had bollards protecting the pavement and cycle tracks on top of drainage kerbing. Once the bollards are doing the job of protecting the cycle space, the kerb and level change becomes somewhat uneccessary. So I wanted to explore what it would be like […]
Monodirectional tracks with posts
An exploration into adding a continuous protected mono directional cycle tracks to a typical UK road that may not have quite enough width for wide buffer zones.
Lanes and Lorries
A raised view to demonstrate how Dutch Entrance Kerbs with a buffer zone of planting can create the safe distance needed to allow active travel on a main arterial route.